

The name is Shawn Charles. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. I’ve always been a person who wanted to express a story through an art form. After years of trying to draw (and years of my stick figures not looking right) I picked up a camera and started shooting. Honestly, after setting my eyes through that view finder, I never looked back.

Not to sound too dramatic, but the world looks different and more interesting in all its complexities when you’re thinking in the mindset of a photographer. There is always a story to create, a moment to capture, an idea to chase, and so much to learn with regards to technique, lighting and composition. Capturing moments with your own perspective to create art and ideas to share with others is what I desire. Every photo I take is another step to that goal of being a better storyteller.

So follow me on this journey because I have many stories to tell.

"SC" is an acronym for multiple phrases apart from my name such as: Shooting Creatively, Story Collector, Sharing Culture and Stylistic Commentary. Each phrase opens the mind of the viewer, conjuring emotions, and memories of special places or moments.